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Industry News

Photographs May Improve Aged Care Residents’ Wellbeing

on Thursday, February 8, 2018

Moving to aged care from home can be a challenge for many people because it means leaving behind some treasured belongings. But an innovative research partnership is showing that photographs can help residents’ wellbeing after they move.

Yoga – A Mind-Body Revelation for Aged Care Residents

on Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Yoga is a Sanskrit word and a generic term for uniting the physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines. The several different schools of philosophy of Yoga all strive to achieve the journey of "connection, attachment, or union". With the concept of Yoga as a self-discovery process in mind, KOPWA’s Recreation Officer, Monireh Sisan, engaged Yogamigos to bring yoga to their aged care residents.

Bunnings Kotara Gives Local Aged Care Home a "Green Thumbs Up"

on Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Kotara Bunnings crew have been providing far more than sausages and screwdrivers to the community over the past few weeks, branching their community involvement to Catholic Healthcare’s residential aged care home in Mayfield West, Newcastle.

Doggy Day Care at Uniting Mayflower

on Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Moving house can be a strain on anyone, but for pooch Zach, it proved harder than most. The 11-year-old miniature Labradoodle struggled when owners Brad and Sandra Johnson moved from Canberra to Gerringong and he started getting up to mischief while his owners were at work.

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