Aged Care Online

BaptistCare Yarra Rossa

51 Hicks Street, Red Hill, ACT, 2603

Part of BaptistCare

Welcome to Yarra Rossa 

Introducing a Haven for Quality Living

Nestled in the central suburb of Red Hill, this innovative BaptistCare community redefines retirement living. Yarra Rossa stands as a place unlike any other, offering a diverse range of apartment designs, lush outdoor gardens, scenic walking tracks, and a wealth of high-end amenities within a resort-style setting.

At Yarra Rossa, we offer a range of activities, encompassing wellness, social engagement, and vitality, is thoughtfully organised by your Village Manager.

We understand that everyone envisions retirement differently, and we honour your freedom to choose your level of involvement.

Please leave us an enquiry.

You will have to pay a departure fee when you leave this village.*

Send an enquiry

A message is required and can not contain a phone number, email address or web site

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