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My Care Path - Aged Care Support Services
Helping you secure the best aged care services available. Call 1300 197 230

Home Care Packages

One of the ways that you can access care as you get older, is through a Home Care Package (HCP). Home Care Packages are individually tailored and specifically designed to help you remain living independently in your own home with a suite of services and support available.

Whether you need support with everyday tasks, home maintenance, personal care or nursing care, a Home Care Package is perfect for you.

Do you need help finding home care services?

My Care Path can provide you with a complete end to end consultancy service to assist you in navigating the complexities of aged care and home care. Our consultants are ready to help - call today for a friendly, no-obligation chat! 

Call 1300 197 230

Home Care Package Services

A wide range of services can be accessed with a Home Care Package including:

  • Cleaning and laundry
  • Grocery shopping, meals, and food preparation
  • Home and garden maintenance
  • Home modifications and aids
  • Nursing care
  • Personal care
  • Podiatry, physiotherapy, and other allied health therapies
  • Social support
  • Transport

Home Care Package Levels

Home Care Packages are separated into four different levels, each with different funding amounts. You will receive an assessment to determine the level of Home Care Package most suited to you and your needs.

Level 1 Home Care Package

Basic care needs (approx. $10,000 funding per year)

Level 2 Home Care Package

Low care needs (approx. $18,000 funding per year)

Level 3 Home Care Package

Intermediate care needs (approx. $39,000 funding per year)

Level 4 Home Care Package

High care needs (approx. $59,000 funding per year)

Your chosen home care provider will be able to help you work out the best way to allocate the funds of your package, depending on the support and services you require.

What is NOT included in a Home Care Package?

You cannot use Home Care Package funds for:

  • Entertainment activities
  • Food (except as part of an enteral feeding plan)
  • Gambling
  • Home alterations not related to your care needs
  • Payment of home care fees
  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Travel and accommodation for recreational holidays

Other Home Care Fees

If you can afford to, you may be asked to contribute towards the cost of your Home Care Package. These fees can include:

  • Basic daily fee
  • Income-tested care fee
  • Additional fees

You can talk to your chosen home care provider about these fees.

Wait Time for a Home Care Package

Current wait times for HCPs will depend on the level of package and the urgency of care:

Level 1 Home Care Package

The current wait time for a Level 1 Home Care Package is 3-6 months

Level 2 Home Care Package

The current wait time for a Level 2 Home Care Package is 6-9 months

Level 3 Home Care Package

The current wait time for a Level 3 Home Care Package is 6-9 months

Level 4 Home Care Package

The current wait time for a Level 4 Home Care Package is 6-9 months

If you are not eligible for a Home Care Package or need interim care before receiving your Home Care Package, you can also access care through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme or through privately paid for services.

Search for Home Care Packages

Funding amounts and wait times shown are approximates only and correct as of July 1 2023.
