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Your Guide to the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

What is the NDIS?

As of August 2018, almost 200,000 people in Australia are benefiting from the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme).

The NDIS is a new Government initiative that provides funding and support for people living with a disability, as well as their families and carers. The NDIS is designed to provide lifetime support.

Recipients of an NDIS package will be provided with a detailed plan that outlines their needs, goals and aspirations. Everyone who has access to the NDIS will have more control than ever over the supports and services they need to pursue their goals.

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How does the NDIS work?

If you are found to be eligible for the NDIS, an NDIS planner will come to meet with you to discuss your individual and unique needs and goals. Your planner will then work with you to design an individually tailored NDIS plan and funding package.

With this package, you will be able to purchase the services, equipment and aids from the NDIS providers of your choice.

Your NDIS plan will be reviewed every year (or sooner if your needs or circumstances change).

Can I manage my own NDIS funds?

 Yes - you can manage your own NDIS funds. If you’d prefer to leave this up to someone else, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) can manage your funds for you.

A new service has been introduced – Support Co-ordination – to assist people with complex and multiple disabilities to identify and purchase the supports and services they require. 

How do I know if I’m eligible for the NDIS?

The NDIS is available for all Australians who are under the age of 65 and meet the disability or early intervention requirements.

To meet these requirements you must have a permanent disability which limits your ability to:

  • Participate in your community
  • Gain employment
  • Perform day-to-day tasks without aid from a carer or assistive technology

To meet the early intervention requirements (for children under the age of six) you must have a permanent disability which is deemed to benefit from support now, with view to reduce the support and services needed in the future.

What supports and services does the NDIS cover?

The NDIS provides access to a wide range of supports services and equipment. These can include:

  • Therapies
  • Education
  • Living arrangements
  • Home modifications
  • Communication assistive technology
  • Mobility equipment
  • Community participation activities
  • Support in gaining and retaining employment

Supports and services covered by the NDIS need to be seen as being reasonable and necessary, meaning that they need to support you in ways that assist in achieving your goals, maintaining your independence, developing day-to-day skills and gaining employment.

Click on your state below to search for NDIS providers in your area:

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