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My Care Path Aged Care Consultants

A Passion for Quality Food in Aged Care

on Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Catering expert Ellis Wilkinson is using his passion and skill to help create positive change around food quality and service for residents in aged care.

Have Your Say to Make Dementia a 2016 Election Priority

on Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Alzheimer's Australia needs your help in making the National Dementia Strategy a priority in the 2016 Australian Election.

Only One in Five Callers to National Dementia Helpline Are Men

on Thursday, March 31, 2016

Men with a diagnosis of dementia or men who are caring for a person with dementia could be missing out on vital support and information as figures show that only one in five callers to the National Dementia Helpline are men. 

90-Year-Old Kenyan is World’s Oldest Primary School Student

on Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Priscilla Sitienei, a 90-year-old grandmother from rural Kenya is believed to have become the world’s oldest primary school student. Joining in class with children aged 11 to 14, Priscilla told the BBC she enrolled in school with the intention of inspiring Kenyan children, along with the goal of finally learning to read and write.

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