Aged Care Online

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Aged Care Videos

Aged Care Payment Options: RAD & DAP

The Australian Government pays for the bulk of aged care services in Australia through subsidies paid to aged care providers. You may be asked to contribute costs if you are financially able to do so, however there is help available if you are unable to pay for care and accommodation costs. 


What is Home Care?

Home Care (also known as in-home care, community care, home help, home support and in-home nursing care) is the umbrella term for a range of services that allow people to remain living independently in their own homes. Many elderly Australian’s take advantage of these services as an alternative to moving into traditional residential aged care homes.

What is Residential Aged Care?

Residential Aged Care is the proper term for aged care homes which are sometimes referred to as aged care facilities or nursing homes. Residential aged care homes provide 24-hour care by trained nursing staff for frail elderly people who can no longer live independently in their own homes.


What is a Home Care Package?

A Home Care Package is a coordinated and flexible package that allows individuals to remain living in the comfort of their own homes. Each Home Care Package is tailored in order to cater for a variety of care needs. 


Aged Care Reviews

If you know someone living in aged care, then we encourage you to take five minutes and leave a review 


When is the Right Time for Aged Care?

A lot of people struggle with the decision to place a loved one in aged care, they often ask when is the right time? Whilst there is no easy time to place a loved one in aged care, many people reach the right time when they realise they can no longer practically provide care for their loved one by themselves. 


What Are My Aged Care Options?

There are three aged care options in Australia which tend to suit most people’s care needs, from home care, respite care and residential aged care.


What is Respite Care?

Respite Care is short term aged care, and often used when families, carers and friends need a break from caring for a frail, elderly person. It can also be used if an elderly person needs to recover from a stay in hospital and cannot return home immediately.

How Do I Find an Aged Care Provider?

When the time comes to start looking for aged care providers, it is best to use a comprehensive aged care directory such as Aged Care Online. When you use an aged care online directory, you have the added advantage of being able to search specifically for aged care services within your chosen area. 


Aged Care Events Western Australia: Active Ageing Expo

By on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

An Active Ageing Expo will run in November to help seniors maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

The expo will provide information on products, services and activities to assist them to stay healthy and active in old age.


Aged Care Gold Coast: Better Practice Workshops

By on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Better Practice will run workshops on improving understanding of risk management, managing complaints and other topics on the Gold Coast starting in November.

The two day workshop will run for two days from the 15th of November, with two key workshops offering a balance of practical information and discussion to provide lasting improvements in the quality of care for residents.


Understanding Aged Care: Seniors and Safe Sex

By on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Older Australians are being encouraged to practice safe sex as the latest figures reveal Chlamydia has doubled in Australian’s over 40 since 2005. Family Planning NSW has launched a safe sex awareness campaign for older Australians, with the aim of educating people over 40 about the risks of having sex without a condom.


Aged Care Employment WA: Is Your Organisation Ready to See the Big Picture?

By on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

CommunityWest is inviting CEOs and senior management teams in aged care to join their one-day workshop to reflect on the ‘new world order’ in the aged and community care industry.

The full-day workshop will be a day of strategic thinking and will provide at least one practical strategy for participants to take away to help move their organisations forward.


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