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Why There’s No Loyalty in Aged Care

By on Thursday, November 28, 2013

Marketing practices within aged care are not the most sophisticated. In fact some key aspects of marketing strategy aren’t used at all. Kay Smith explores if and where loyalty marketing strategies could fit within our sector.

Tonight I came home to find my side gate open. After thirty seconds of my heart in my throat and images flashing through my head of trying to explain to our two year old where his beloved canine pal had gone, I looked over to the front porch and saw the ball of fluff sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for us where he always does. 


Events NSW: Free Aged Care and Retirement Living Information Session

By on Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Salvation Army will host two information sessions about residential aged care and retirement living in June for those considering aged care and their families.

The information sessions will include a presentation, morning tea and a sneak peek at the new Elizabeth Jenkins Place Aged Care Plus Centre which will open in September.


LGBTI Inclusion Award for UnitingCare Ageing

By on Thursday, November 28, 2013

UnitingCare Ageing was recognised for achievement in LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) workplace inclusion at the ‘Pride in Diversity’ Luncheon and Awards last Friday 17 May. As a new category in 2013, it is the first to receive the Not-For-Profit LGBTI Workplace Inclusion Award.


Guest Blogger: Recognising Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things

By on Thursday, November 28, 2013

What makes a volunteer? Our guest blogger Mark Sewell CEO of Warrigal Care,writes about the integral role volunteers play, and asks what is the more effective way to recognise their hard work?

What makes a volunteer? Volunteers are ordinary people who do extraordinary things for people they may not even know. They don’t do it because they have to, they don’t do it because they’re told to, they do it because they want to.


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