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Long lives live on

on Thursday, May 8, 2014

As part of their year ten religious education studies, students of Bundoora’s Parade College are getting to know the residents of a local aged care facility, capturing their stories on camera so they will be remembered for years to come.

The students will use a range of multimedia tools, including their new iPads, to complete the project. To the residents’ discretion, the finished product can be used to forge a digital footprint of their lives in the blogosphere.

For the facility, BlueCross The Boulevard, the videos will be an efficient means of accessing the profiles of particular individuals, allowing staff to better facilitate person-centred care.

For the residents themselves, it is an opportunity to work with young people towards a common goal.

To leave with, they have a treasured keepsake that can pass through their family for generations.

Aged Care Online spoke to BlueCross The Boulevard lifestyle coordinator Meg Willis and Parade College teacher Darrell Cruse to learn more about Digital Stories.