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Customised Tableware Designed to Improve the Lives of Dementia Patients

on Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sha Yao’s grandmother was diagnosed with dementia a number of years ago. Seeing her have difficulty with simple tasks such as eating, Yao was inspired to make a difference. 

She set out to learn as much as she could about the disease and studied how Alzheimer’s patients (as well as those with similar cognitive impairments) completed simple daily tasks.

While she was volunteering at a local aged care home, Yao saw that residents living with dementia had trouble feeding themselves using traditional cutlery, glasses, plates and bowls.

The mental and physical challenges associated with dementia can make eating a very difficult and labour-intensive exercise.

After four years of intensive research, Yao created Eatwell, a complete tableware set created and designed specifically for people suffering from a range of cognitive impairments including dementia.

The materials, colours and shapes of the bowls, plates, silverware on the Eatwell set play an important role in the usability for dementia patients.

The set includes angled bowls with 90-degree rims which allow the food to collect at one side to be scooped with ease. The spoons have even been perfectly contoured to align perfectly with the edges of the bowl.

The cups and mugs feature extra wide bases and flat handles to prevent tipping. Even the tray itself is complete with special tabs to hold aprons or bibs helping to prevent diners from spilling food on themselves.

Yao says that Eatwell has been designed to “make the simple act of eating an easier, more effective and more dignified process.”

Yao set up a crowdfunding campaign to help her make her vision come to life. Her crowdfunding goal was quickly reached and she was awarded the top prize at last years’ Stanford Design Challenge for her Eatwell design.

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