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Dementia - One of the Biggest Impacts, Yet the Least Understood

on Monday, October 5, 2015

As the second leading cause of death after heart disease, dementia is one of the Australia’s biggest, yet least understood conditions - with over 70 per cent of us admitting that we know very little about the disease. A quarter of Australians believe dementia is just a normal part of ageing and sadly, almost half of the population do not realise that dementia is fatal. 

Alzheimer’s Australia Vic, supported by ExxonMobil Australia, has released a powerful public education campaign for the month of October to present the facts about dementia, raise awareness of the condition and ensure people understand it is a serious brain disease.

As an extension of the recent television campaign during Dementia Awareness Month in September, the print advertisements aim to educate Australians about the impact that dementia has on the lives of the estimated 342,000 people living with dementia, their families and carers.

‘It is important for the community to understand the facts and also for everyone to know that they are not alone, that there are support services available,’ Maree McCabe CEO Alzheimer’s Australia Vic said.

‘Alzheimer’s Australia Vic is here to provide support and information about the services available and to educate the community, health and aged care sectors, about dementia.  The greater the level of knowledge and awareness the more likely that all people impacted, including their families and carers, can live well with dementia,’ Ms McCabe said.

‘With this campaign we are excited about the opportunity to support Alzheimer’s Australia Vic in educating the general public about dementia and the range of support services and programs available,’ said Lisa Trood, Community Relations Manager, ExxonMobil Australia.

‘ExxonMobil is delighted to provide continued financial support to Alzheimer’s Australia Vic to run community awareness campaigns,’ Ms Trood said.

‘This initiative has been made possible by a generous contribution from ExxonMobil,’ Ms McCabe said.  

‘The public perception of dementia is greatly at odds with the reality of the disease. A greater understanding of this disease will help to effect change. Even a small change in levels of understanding in the community can make a big difference in the life of someone who is living with dementia.’

Our aim for the campaign, along with ExxonMobil, is to make a difference to the lives of all people living with dementia, their families and carers,’ Ms McCabe said.

Advertisements will appear in The Age, Herald Sun, Leader newspapers and on suburban billboards.

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