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The Art of Eileen

on Monday, June 27, 2016

"I have lived on this earth for a long time. People ask me, what is your secret? When you’re creating, you’re always doing something new. It’s the opposite of old. Creativity is what makes the world go around. In engaging in truly creative work, you are releasing the little child within. The child’s view of the world is forever new and young. We all have it within us." Eileen Kramer, 101 – dancer, choreographer, costume designer, author, sculptor, illustrator.

The Art of Eileen fundraiser aims to give the experience of living in residential aged care extra meaning, joy and purpose through the new national art making program, Access to Express. 

Access to Express was established by the Arts Health Institute and will allow the creative spirit to flourish in residential aged care. Eileen’s idea is to raise money to support programs that increase quality of life for other “people of a certain age” through artistic expression and cultural experiences. Genres include drawing, painting, sculpture and art appreciation.

In collaboration with fashion designer Brigid McLaughlin and the Arts Health Institute, Eileen designed a collection of scarves. These scarves are being sold to raise money to help the Access to Express program expand into more residential aged care homes throughout Australia. 

“Beauty is for everyone. To buy a scarf like this you are bringing beauty into your own lives. If I were a resident in an aged care home I would feel a compelling need for the beauty of art, and music in my life. If you buy my scarves I will be able to raise the money to bring the joy and creativity of art into the lives of thousands of people living in aged care by supporting the Arts Health Institute," said Eileen.

“When I saw Eileen’s beautiful collages and illustrations, I instantly saw scarves, enthused Brigid McLaughlin.

Through Eileen’s support and the purchase of her scarves, the Arts Health Institute can train at least 20 visual artists to deliver Access to Express, into more Australian aged care homes. 

The Arts Health Institute is a national social enterprise leading the cause to bring humanity and wellbeing into aged care homes through creativity.  Their mission is to bring the arts and health together to change worlds. To do that, they train and employ professional artists to work in aged care homes.

Click here to support The Art of Eileen project.

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