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25 years of dementia counselling - Hundreds of thousands of lives saved and changed

on Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Alzheimer’s Australia Vic yesterday celebrated 25 years of providing dementia counselling services across Victoria.

Since 1991 hundreds of thousands of clients have been supported through individual and group counselling, Memory Lane Cafes, Living with Dementia programs and retreats, and countless other projects that have made a difference to the quality of life and care of people living with dementia, their families and carers.

“I’ve lost count of the times clients have said to me, ‘I don’t know where I would be’ or ‘I don’t know if I would be here, without Alzheimer's Australia Vic,” Leanne Wenig, GM Client Services Alzheimer’s Australia Vic said.

“Our counselling has enabled clients living with the news of a diagnosis of dementia to be empowered to live well with dementia, to make plans, to continue to contribute and to celebrate the things they are able to do, with their families and friends,” Ms Wenig said.

The Alzheimer's Australia Vic counselling service includes psychologists, social workers, counsellors and dementia consultants who support adults, teenagers and younger children, putting many years of expertise into practice with compassion.

“Over the years it has been these clients who have kept us inspired to make a difference.

“People faced with daunting challenges often share their stories and experiences with the media, at conferences, with politicians and in resources that help people learn more about dementia and how Alzheimer’s Australia Vic supports those impacted.

“They want to encourage others to seek information and support because they know how isolating and challenging living with a dementia diagnosis can be.

Anne Fairhall, a carer of her husband Geoff who is living with dementia, said she has found Alzheimer's Australia Vic services to be like a lifeline, as things progressed, over the last 12 years.

“Together we have used the counselling, National Dementia Helpline, attended many courses and explored the website.

“I want to give back to the community for the support I have received that changed our lives at times of uncertainty and distress. That is why I volunteer on committees and to share our story – so we can help others,” Ms Fairhall said.

Stories like this enabled Alzheimer’s Australia Vic (then the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Society of Victoria) to successfully lobby and secure Federal and State Government Home and Community Care funding in 1991 for a counselling and referral service for all Victorians.

“Where we are now, 25 years later, supporting more than 10,000 Victorians and having more than 17,000 people attend our courses annually, is a testament to all the people we have supported and the commitment of our excellent counselling staff.

“I wish to acknowledge the extraordinary contribution they have all made to changing and improving the lives of people living with dementia, their families and carers,” said Ms Wenig.

Pictured L-R: CEO Maree McCabe, long-serving client services staff member Alan Stott and General Manager Client Services Leanne Wenig.

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