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on Thursday, July 21, 2016
Rostrevor College and Bene Aged Care recently joined together to provide 14 senior school students the opportunity to learn and synergize the objectives of their Christian Values Program and Bene’s own Values and Mission.
Students were provided with an overview of how Bene supports their multicultural community within the residential aged care settings.
Working with residents and community clients, students engaged in many activities like Italian card games, church services, assistance with voting, Bocce and Italian painting.
Perspectives on ageing and aged care residences were challenged and further broadened with students expressing "that everyone who lives there will always have something to enjoy" and another student stating he, "found it to be quite an eye-opening and enjoyable experience from which I can take a lot out of." Another student expressed, "It was a great experience to be able to work in a different environment and have a taste of what life working in a retirement home is like, and I can see myself volunteering in the future."
Bene Aged Care staff thoroughly enjoyed working with these students, enhancing their knowledge of residential care, exploring career options and showcasing how positive ageing can be.
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