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Free Aged Care Information Session at Helping Hand Parafield Gardens

on Friday, November 4, 2016

Are you or someone you know considering accessing aged care services? Come along and find out about aged care services available to you in Parafield Gardens and surrounding areas at Helping Hand’s free information session.

This event is suitable for anyone thinking about accessing aged care services and their families, or health professionals seeking more information.

Guest speakers include an Aged Care Assessment Team Coordinator, Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission, and the local Helping Hand team.

Refreshments will be provided and bookings are essential. To register, call 1300 653 600 or email  

When: Wednesday 16 November from 2:00pm until 4:00pm
Where: Helping Hand Parafield Gardens | 437 Salisbury Highway Parafield Gardens, SA

Click here to find out more about Helping Hand's aged care services.