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Day Therapy Centres (DTC)

on Friday, November 25, 2016

Day Therapy Centres (DTC) are centres that offer clients a range of services designed to help maintain and encourage independent living within the community. 

Services are usually offered to people living in the community, in retirement villages and residential aged care homes. Services offered can include:

  • Diversional therapy
  • Food services (provided in conjunction with therapies)
  • Nursing services
  • Occupational therapy
  • Personal services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Preventative therapies
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Social groups
  • Speech therapy
  • Stimulating classes & activities
  • Transport to and from Day Therapy Centres

Day Therapy Centres are ideal for older people who want to be involved in their community, need to access allied health services or who are living in a Commonwealth-supported residential aged care home.

There are over 150 Day Therapy Centres around Australia that receive Government support. Each Day Therapy Centre provides a range of different services that may vary between each location.

Day Therapy Centres aim to offer support and assistance to people wanting to maintain an independent lifestyle or to regain independence after surgery or illness.

Day Therapy Centres will generally assist clients to develop a suitable care plan which may include goals the client wishes to achieve, therapy options, a proposed therapy program, review timelines, community resources available, outcome assessment and measurement, a discharge plan and ongoing needs for therapy support (if required).

Clients eligible to receive Day Therapy Centre services are:

  • Aged care residents living in Commonwealth funded aged care who require therapy services in order to maintain or recover a level of independence
  • Elderly people living in the community to require therapy services in order to allow them to remain living independently in their own home
  • Clients receiving a Home Care Package
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs clients

You may be required to pay a small fee in order to access services at a Day Therapy Centre - if your financial situation allows.

Click on your state below to begin a search for Day Therapy Centres in your community: