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Southern Cross Care (SA&NT) Celebrate Staff & Volunteers at Southern Star Awards

on Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Southern Cross Care (SA&NT) recently held their annual Southern Star awards evening at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre’s “Star Room” to recognise and celebrate their employees and volunteers who demonstrate core values of Care, Communication, Creativity and Teamwork in action, in an outstanding manner. 

Nearly 500 individuals had taken the time to submit a nomination; well over double the number received in previous years, and they say, “It was exceptionally pleasing to note the number of nominations from the people in our community had significantly increased.”

On the night of the Awards ceremony, MC Mark Aiston, a popular local media personality, would ask a question and the room would either roll around laughing at the response, or cry; with many times there was not a dry eye in the room.

It was a humbling night of wonderful and joyous celebration and you could tell very early on there was going to be a lot of love in the room.

Mark Aiston said, “I enjoy hosting awards night because I always walk away learning something about a business with an outstanding culture.”

He continued the next day reflecting, “The most important thing I realised when I drove home is just how many people do incredibly worthy jobs. The people I met are the ones who should be looked after. They are the ones who are TRULY making a difference in society.”

Southern Cross Care CEO, David Moran said, “the Board and Executive team collectively felt it was one of the best staff events, simply because of the spirit in the room and the genuine compassion shown by the milestone and award recipients for the people in our services, and those staff who they work with; this was so clearly evident when recipients spoke after receiving the award.”

The Star Volunteer recipient, Mr Murray Holland of The Pines Lodge was the first person to the stage to accept a Star Award, and he arrived emotional. He thanked everyone for the opportunity, for the laughs, and his wife for letting him out the house. The room cheered.

Southern Cross Care said, “Murray has been a volunteer for over 10 years and has shown amazing work and dedication, hardly ever missing a day.  He assists with lifestyle activities for a full day twice a week and often does more if required. He also keeps our happy hour happy, by keeping the fridge stocked, serving the residents and ensuring they have a good time. Murray is always in a good mood, smiling, laughing and positive. At Christmas, he plays Father Christmas for the residents."

Then up came the Creativity Star Award, which went to the Lourdes Valley Wellness and Lifestyle Team, who all thanked each other for bringing the enthusiasm, vitality and joy into their work.

Southern Cross Care said, “This Wellness and Lifestyle team is vibrant and contemporary with a strong focus on active ageing and has changed the face of how we deliver social, emotional, spiritual and physical care to our residents locally at Lourdes Valley in Myrtle Bank. Families are involved and calendars have been tailored to create a dynamic amazing place to live; with gym, meditation, singing performances with primary school children, ballroom dancing, cultural days, bus trips, concerts and dementia specific butterfly groups all part of daily life for residents. The team thinks outside the square, bringing flair and creativity to all they do."

The Awards night celebrates those who consistently rise to the occasion and go above and beyond at Southern Cross Care.  

CEO, David Moran said, “We are still in awe of the fact that we have staff with lengths of service reaching 45, 35, 30 and 25 years!   We have significant numbers reaching milestones up to 20 years which is really something to be proud of.  Combined with a turnover rate of 16% means people are staying in the jobs they love, doing the work they enjoy for a worthy organisation."

CEO, David Moran continued, “We recognise and acknowledge many staff who do not get nominated for awards, still do amazing things in the pursuit of making people in our services Better for Life."

Employee and volunteer recognition is not just a nice thing to do - recognising and rewarding aged care professionals, teams and volunteers in caring for older South Australians and Northern Territorians is an important step in keeping the industry alive and valuing and appreciating the hard work and commitment of the people who serve within.

Click here to find out more about Southern Cross Care (SA&NT)'s residential aged care homes and home care services.