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Mercy Place Albury Redevelopment Starts With a Bang

on Thursday, October 19, 2017

The highly anticipated redevelopment of Mercy Place Albury, which is expected to employ up to 180 local tradespeople directly and indirectly, started on Tuesday 10 October 2017.

Mercy Health Chief Executive Aged & Community Care Kevin Mercer and Mercy Place Albury resident Bernard Wright knocked down part of a wall with a sledgehammer to mark the beginning of the refurbishment.

“Mercy Health is thrilled to be investing not only in Mercy Place Albury but also the local community,” Mr Mercer explained.

“This redevelopment will see the introduction of small household living in Albury which we believe residents, families and staff will embrace.”

The innovative aged care model has already proved successful in Europe and involves seniors living in households of up to eight people with a kitchen and laundry along with their own lounge room, dining area and outdoor garden.

“Small household living promotes independence and choice for residents in a home environment,” Mr Mercer said.

“We have already rolled out this model of care to other Mercy Health residential aged care homes in Western Australia and we’ve seen some promising results for our residents, including a reduction in falls and medications, and an increase in weight.”

The refurbishment of Mercy Place Albury will see the creation of seven small houses across two levels.

“Staff will develop ongoing relationships with residents and where possible do things with them instead of for them,” Mr Mercer said.

“The small households will have improved access to outdoor spaces and be surrounded by a café, grocer, hair and beauty salon and a games and activity room for residents to enjoy with their friends and family.”

The Mercy Place Albury redevelopment will be completed in two stages to limit the disruption to residents and staff. Stage one will take six months and the second stage of works is expected to be completed by November 2018.

Zauner Construction and JWP Architects, who worked on the Mercy Place Albury expansion five years ago, have been awarded contracts for the small household living redevelopment.

Find out more about Mercy Health

Pictured: Kevin Mercer, Bernard Wright and Wendy Dunn