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Emerging Men’s Group Providing Safe Connection for Those Living with Dementia

on Wednesday, December 13, 2017

An innovative men’s group at MannaCare is making a world of difference to the lives of residents and clients living with dementia.  The program has unquestionably taken off with the weekly gatherings becoming an anticipated event in the calendar.

CEO Ross Dawson of MannaCare, enthused “they said this type of group just wouldn’t work with those living with dementia but we have proved them wrong in a big way”.

The program, running since September 2017, aims to provide laughter and fellowship for older men. Providing an opportunity for the participants to come together in a non-political and non-religious atmosphere, what is unique about the program is that the “methodology is based on stimulating senses and interaction in a group setting”, says facilitator Philip Green. “It creates an opportunity for people to interact in any way that's within their own potential.”

The group discuss the day’s ‘special topic’ with everyone getting a turn to share and discuss. The facilitator’s role, states Philip, is to, “Work to build rapport - both within oneself and with others - leading the member’s willingness to act with courage and help expand their potential.”

“By sharing life experiences, interests and activities within a safe group, the men are able to enjoy each other’s company,” states Philip.

They are “inspired through increased awareness of their potential to engage in their future lives and improved confidence when communicating with other members through self.”

The program has received, “Very positive feedback from partners of most group members, with all saying the group has help lift self-esteem, purpose of life and enjoyment of other ‘like men’ company”, declares Philip.

Find out more about MannaCare

Pictured: Dezlie and Philip