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Northbridge Resident “Thrilled” After Receiving War Memorabilia 75 Years After Being Sent

on Friday, April 27, 2018

Catholic Healthcare resident Janette Robertson got the surprise of her life this week when a parcel was delivered to her 75 years after it was originally sent.

Janette’s parcel contained a doll that was gifted to her in the early 1940s by her uncle, who was serving in the air force as a pilot instructor in WW2.

The 82-year-old Janette was only seven when she was told she should expect the doll in the mail. Janette had given up hope as her years went on, that the doll would ever make an appearance, at all.

Janette’s want for the doll became more intense when her beloved uncle died in a tragic plane accident while instructing another pilot in the lead up to serving in the front-line.

It was only this week, a mere few days before ANZAC day that Janette received her doll in the mail, taking her by utter surprise.

“When the doll arrived, I knew exactly what it was straight away. I was absolutely thrilled.”

Janette explains that the doll was kept safely in Europe for more than thirty years by her mother’s family. Unfortunately, she lost contact with those caring for the doll, which elongated the delay of her receiving it.

Eventually, Janette did manage to contact those who had the doll, and arrange for it to be sent to her new home in Northbridge, at Catholic Healthcare’s St Paul’s Aged Care home.

She says, however, she never expected the doll to arrive so promptly in time for ANZAC Day.

“It’s simply fate,” she says. “My uncle would have been so happy to see the doll in my arms today.”

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