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Resthaven Murray Bridge Community Services Relocate

on Friday, December 21, 2018

From 21 December, Resthaven Murray Bridge, Hills and Fleurieu Community Services commenced working from a brand new, purpose built location at 37 Swanport Road, Murray Bridge, alongside the redeveloped residential aged care home.

Emmet O’Donovan, Resthaven Manager, Buildings and Capital Projects, is pleased that the construction work at Murray Bridge is now complete. He says, "Construction Manager, Sarah Constructions, have completed both Resthaven Residential and Community Services developments at Swanport Road, Murray Bridge."

"This is an exciting phase in the development of an aged care precinct."

"The final stage of the $1.6m community services building is adjacent the $16.5 million redevelopment of Resthaven Murray Bridge residential aged care home, at 53 Swanport Road, Murray Bridge, which increased the capacity by 18 places."

"This brings all services to the one location."

"The buildings look fantastic, and the new sculpture by Gerry McMahon, an Adelaide metal work artist, is a real talking point."

Resthaven’s new aged care home at 100 Hub Drive, Aberfoyle Park in the Adelaide Hills, continues to attract new residents at a steady rate since opening in July 2018. The $30 million home, designed by Brown Falconer Architects, will accommodate 100 older people at capacity. It also features a sculpture by Gerry McMahon at the entrance, welcoming visitors.

Meanwhile, back in metropolitan Adelaide, on 20 December 2018, Resthaven Executive Manager Finance and Corporate Services, David Norton, announced the purchase of vacant land at 122 Smart Road, Modbury for future aged care and support services.

"This land is in a prime location; adjacent residential and commercial precincts and creates an opportunity for local residents who need aged care to remain in their community."

"We are considering options to develop the land to support older people who need extra support in residential aged care accommodation, as well as retirement living and community service options."

"We have a vision that the development connects with the local community and we will explore opportunities to invite this connection."

"At this stage we don’t have a firm development time frame, as this is partially influenced by the current regulatory environment and proposed aged care reforms. We have applied for residential aged care places in the current Aged Care Funding Round (ACAR), to be announced in the new year."

"However, in an area of emerging demand, we are confident that the community will welcome additional services in their local area."

"The development will be lucky thirteen for Resthaven, with established residential aged care homes at Aberfoyle Park, Bellevue Heights, Craigmore, Leabrook, Malvern, Marion, Mitcham,  Mount Gambier, Murray Bridge, Paradise, Port Elliot, and Westbourne Park."

"This is another example of the not-for-profit aged care sector committing to support those older people whose quality of life will benefit from such services. We are here for the long term."

Find out more about Resthaven.