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Transparency Matters in Aged Care

on Thursday, January 31, 2019

Braemar Presbyterian Care has launched a new program designed to ensure that everyone associated with the organisation is able to have their voice heard; about any issues that cause them concern.

Braemar Cares - Your Call is an independent, third-party reporting service which allows residents, family members and staff to report any matters of concern in relation to the care and services offered by the 66 year old brand.

Braemar CEO Wayne Belcher commented: “Sometimes, for various reasons, people might feel uncertain or uncomfortable about directly raising an issue or reporting something they have seen. It is my hope that this new service will provide those living in care, as well as their families, friends and staff, with an environment in which to raise any concern – no matter how big or small.”

Those lodging a report can do so by phone or online – 24 hours a day. All reports are forwarded directly to the CEO for immediate consideration and action. This service is available to all Braemar staff, Braemar residents, family members and friends.

“It is essential that as aged care providers we ensure we are transparent in all we do,” Mr Belcher continued. “ I am excited to see Braemar lead by example in this area.”

Find out more about Braemar Presbyterian Care