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Hanging Out With the Grandies at Bethanie Fields

on Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bethanie, Western Australia’s most recognised not-for-profit aged care and retirement living provider, is constantly finding ways to combat social isolation with their customers, recognising the huge importance of remaining active and connected to others and the positive impact this can have on overall mental and physical wellbeing.

One such example is the recent Grandparent’s Day held at Bethanie Fields on Friday 29th March. Thanks to the support of local sponsor, Shire of Dardanup, the free event welcomed over 100 people to the Bethanie Fields Activity Room for a picnic style evening full of fun, food, laughter and entertainment.

There was musical entertainment and Bethanie provided a sausage sizzle, burgers, ice-creams, and drinks and guests enjoyed entertainment from the children in a Karaoke competition.  

Bethanie CEO Chris How comments, “There is a real need for people to feel connected, social isolation is a well-established risk factor and trigger for depression and anxiety, and where possible we want to avoid that. Event such as Grandparents Day are ideal ways to tackle social isolation head on.

Chris adds, “Social isolation is not just about people living on their own; it can occur for people living at home, in villages and even in residential care. It’s our responsibility to ensure our ageing population have a positive ageing experience and do not feel disconnected or alone because at Bethanie, you’re among friends.”

Find out more about Bethanie

Pictured: Pam Himing & Great Grandaughter Aleya