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Dennis shares his mission to stay fit, healthy and at home for as long as possible

on Thursday, June 6, 2019

Dennis has spent 29 years running in the iconic Sydney race to Bondi and this month he shares his plans for running many more, staying active and remaining at home for as long as he can.

80,000 people participate in the Sydney run that sees people of all ages take to the roads in the ultimate endurance race.

For 29 years, eagle eyed spectators would have seen Dennis, running alongside his fellow fit and healthy participants, young and old.

“I am going to continue running and going to the gym for as long as I possible,” said Dennis.

“I have been pretty lucky with injuries, I have pulled a couple of calf muscles and that sort of thing but no knee damage or ankle damage or anything.”

When Dutiful Daughters Inhome Care caught up with Dennis at beautiful Bondi beach, not far from the Dutiful Daughters Inhome Care office, they were surrounded by the activity and life that the destination has become known for.

As the clouds moved in people still remained, enjoying the beauty of the spot without what seemed a care in the world.

It was when the conversation turned to care and the future that Dennis shared his thoughts and philosophy on staying at home.

“I would be planning to live at the house where I am for as long as I possibly can,” said Dennis. “Because I like gardening and I like pottering around the house.”

“At the moment, I am capable enough to clean the house and in fact I mowed the lawns yesterday. But there may come a time when I would require someone to help clean, provide food and that sort of thing.”

Dennis shared the story of his father, who remained home his entire life, utilising inhome care services such as aged care, personal care, nursing care and 24 hour care.

“My father, he lived well into his 80’s,” said Dennis. “He stayed in his house that whole time and he had people coming in for care. He was never placed into a nursing home or anything like that. I would hope to be able to do the same thing.”