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Lunar Leaves Everyone Feeling Over the Moon

on Monday, August 12, 2019

Since she was five months old, Lunar the Chihuahua-cross has been a big part of Arcare North Lakes. She visits the residence three times a week and spends all day doing 1-on-1 room visits, napping with clients on their beds and chasing her bouncy green ball.

Now 18 months old, Lifestyle Coordinator Michelle’s beloved animal Lunar is finally getting the recognition she deserves.

Georgina Hill from Channel 10 came to Arcare North Lakes to do a special feel-good story on little Lunar. As Lunar trotted around the residence in Michelle’s handmade uniform and her ID tag, the film crew undoubtedly captured the positive impact Lunar has on everybody.

Lunar is an instant mood-lifter. When she enters a room, the mood brightens and she immediately brings a smile to everyone’s faces.

For clients who feel a little shy or prefer to be alone, Lunar makes them feel included and loved as she goes on her visits and spends quality time with them.

Michelle explained to us that Lunar is also very emotionally and physically aware. When a client has issues with their heart or when they are feeling unwell, Lunar can sense their discomfort and she will lie on the spot where they are having issues to make them feel better.

“She brings a smile to everybody’s faces and changes their thoughts in a positive way”, Michelle said.

Michelle also commented, “On days when Lunar visits, it’s not “How are you, Michelle?”, it’s “Hi, Lunar!””.

But Lunar’s favourite activity is to hover over the clients as they enjoy their meals and lick up the scraps and pieces that have fallen to the ground.

And like any other dog, she also enjoys a cuddle or two!

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