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It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas

on Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Bethanie, Western Australia’s most recognised not-for-profit aged care and retirement living provider aims to bring young and old together at every opportunity, in particular when it comes to the festive season.

On Tuesday 10th December, roughly 45 Year 2 and Year 3 students from Tuart Forest Primary School visited residents from Bethanie Dallyelup Social Housing, to spread some Christmas joy and sing Christmas carols.

The residents have been busy decorating the hall for Christmas, with two residents in particular who worked all year knitting a snowman, Mr & Mrs Clause and a nativity scene.

As a ‘thank you’ to the children, rather than giving lollies, the residents made special Christmas cards, including reindeer food to be left out on Christmas Eve. Each card contained a verse regarding Santa’s arrival, along with a small package of special reindeer food (bird food with a little glitter). 

Bethanie Dalyellup Tenancy Manager Marie Friend says, “Ever since my son was 5 years old (he is almost 20), I have made these special cards. When I asked the residents involved in the decorations if they would like to make the same cards for the school children, they agreed it was a great idea.

“It has been absolutely marvellous with people coming together. At one stage a number of residents got together in the lounge on a weekend, making the cards and enjoying one another’s company.”

There will be more visits in due course from other local schools in the area and so far, around 100 cards have been made, all ready to give to the children as a ‘thank you for coming to Bethanie’.