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Bethanie Turns Purple For Spiritual Care

on Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bethanie, Western Australia’s most recognised not-for-profit aged care and retirement living provider turned purple for their annual Purple Week celebrations, which took place from 23rd February – 1st March.

Purple Week recognises and celebrates Bethanie’s commitment to spiritual whole person care and the role all staff have in providing quality Spiritual Care, in particular the involvement of the Chaplaincy team within Bethanie.

Throughout Purple Week, activities and events at Bethanie sites were celebrated by embracing a purple theme – a colour long associated with spirituality and used to identify those who provide Spiritual Care.

Events included purple games and quizzes and several Purple Morning and Afternoon Teas. Purple decorations and purple outfits were on show throughout Bethanie sites, bringing together residents and staff.

Bethanie Mission Manager, David van Leen said, “Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care are such valuable parts of Bethanie and I feel passionately about Purple Week, where we truly focus on the benefits these services provide to our customers and staff.

“As people age and physical and mental abilities diminish, quite often there is a renewed interest in spirituality and the spiritual support received from Chaplains is invaluable.”

Bethanie CEO Chris How adds, “Purple Week is our chance to thank our Chaplaincy team for providing quality Spiritual Care to our customers and their families. The little and big things they do make a world of difference and help to provide the best possible care.”

Bethanie introduced Purple Week in 2011. Today, Bethanie employ five full-time and 15 part-time Chaplains, plus numerous Pastoral Care volunteers, whose services are all provided complimentary to their clients.

Find out more about Bethanie

Pictured: Bethanie staff Michelle, Wendy, Gill and Tash