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The giant Jenga is complete!

on Monday, April 20, 2020

At Catholic Healthcare Villa Maria Eastern Heights Aged Care in Ipswich, residents and staff have designed, built and completed a giant Jenga game.

Former Residential Manager, Lynette Harding, suggested the project after seeing a giant Jenga game in action at her daughter’s wedding. Her husband researched the size of wood needed and how many pieces would make a Jenga set – 54 to be exact!

The wood was purchased, Villa Maria's maintenance officer cut up the pieces, and residents were offered the chance to work on the project. Work stations were set up in a couple of locations so as many residents as possible could join in, sanding and painting the wood spread out on the tables. Everyone had the opportunity to contribute to the project including residents from the Memory Support Unit, who delighted staff by vigorously sanding the rough parts of the wood so well.

The male residents particularly enjoyed the task and sat around chatting as they worked on the set, talking about woodwork projects they had completed in the past.

The first giant Jenga game was played by two of the residents who actively participated in the project. There was ‘fierce’ competition between them!

An amazing project including many residents from the Villa Maria Eastern Heights community – making a fun game for many to enjoy for years to come.

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Pictured are residents Bill Finch (ANZAC T-shirt) and Ray Townsend