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‘Tree of Hope’ at Resthaven Western Community Services

on Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Clients of Resthaven Western Community Services at 96 Woodville Road, Woodville, have created a ‘Tree of Hope’ during their Wednesday Social Group, depicting positive images to remember in these challenging times.

Coordinator, Rebbecca Bratovich, who facilitates the group, says, "With the recent return of in-person social groups – with strict social distancing measures in place – we have been talking about the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it has been affecting us all."

"Members of the group decided that it would be nice to have something permanently at the office to get us all through this very difficult period."

"After some brainstorming, the 'Tree of Hope' was born."

"Clients of the various groups were all asked to share some positive thoughts, messages of hope, or sayings that gave them a laugh, which we compiled into a list."

"This also proved to be a wonderful reminiscing activity, as everyone fondly remembered sayings from their younger years and the memories these evoked."

"A suitably shaped stick was selected from the garden, and the Wednesday group got busy cutting out the shapes to form the leaves of the trees."

"The idea is that clients and staff can come to the tree and take a little leaf, heart or a butterfly with a saying on it, to keep or to share with someone."

"There is also the added option to add a leaf to the tree in exchange."

"Thank you to everyone who has helped create and contributed to the Resthaven Western Community Services Tree of Hope!"

Celebrating 85 years in 2020, Resthaven Incorporated is a not for profit, South Australian aged care community service associated with the Uniting Church. Resthaven’s residential and in-home care and support options are offered throughout metropolitan Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills, Murraylands, Riverland, Barossa, Fleurieu Peninsula and the Limestone Coast.