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Mercy Health’s Dedicated Staff to Spend Christmas Day with Residents

on Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Registered Nurse Lindy Hagboom, lifestyle co-ordinator Nichole Cuthbert, and kitchen hand Karen Hebbard are just a handful of staff who will forfeit Christmas Day with their families to help care for the dozens of residents at local not-for-profit aged care home Mercy Place Mandurah.

The staff will join dozens of other team members who will work on Christmas Day, including carers, kitchen helpers and those working in Pastoral care, all of whom will be focused on ensuring that residents enjoy a traditional Christmas lunch as well as tending to their daily care needs on December 25.

“We are fortunate enough at Mercy Place Mandurah that many staff choose to work rather than be with their loved ones on Christmas Day, says Ms Hagboom, who has a four-year-old daughter.

“My daughter Stella comes from a family that have dedicated themselves to aged care and women’s health, including her great grandmother, grandmother, three great aunties and now her mum, and so we have made it a tradition over the generations to celebrate Christmas on a different day so that we can spend time with others who need us.”

Mercy Place Mandurah Service Manager, Christina Venables, says that in many ways the local care staff were the unsung heroes of the community during the festive season.

“When most people are opening presents on Christmas Day, tucking into Christmas lunch, pouring a celebratory drink or enjoying family company, Mercy Place Mandurah staff will be caring for others in their usual dedicated way,” she says.

“We’re extremely fortunate to have so many committed team members that are only too happy to go the extra mile to care for our residents and also help to inject a little Christmas spirit into their day.”

Find out more about Mercy Health.