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Family matters at Carinity Aged Care Communities

on Thursday, December 29, 2022

Eileen and Rhonda Tilley once lived almost one hour’s drive apart. Now the mother and daughter are enjoying seeing a lot more of each other, living together in the same aged care community in Ipswich. The Tilleys were permanently reunited under the same roof two years ago, when Eileen joined her daughter at Carinity Colthup Manor.

Prior to moving into the seniors’ community, 106-year-old Eileen lived at Arana Hills while Rhonda resided on the other side of Brisbane, at Acacia Ridge. Now the distance between them is reduced to either side of a hallway.

Eileen wished to move to Carinity Colthup Manor, where Rhonda has lived for four years, after the family received some difficult news.

“Eileen was so sad when Rhonda was diagnosed with dementia. She wanted to be closer to her daughter,” said family relative, Darryn Tilley.

Darryn said his mother and grandmother take comfort in living so close to one another, noting they “enjoy seeing each other regularly and knowing the other is close by."

Carinity Colthup Manor Residential Manager, Jo King, said Rhonda’s overall wellbeing had improved since her mother started living near her.

“Before her mum moved here, Rhonda used to be self-isolating and quiet but these days she’s not anything but happy. She is never seen without a smile on her face,” Jo said.

Darryn said Carinity provided Rhonda with plenty of support moving to Colthup Manor, after a short stay in hospital.

“Carinity was very helpful. It is a very stressful time for seniors when the hospital wants the bed you were in and you need to find a place to live,” he said.

Like the Tilleys in Ipswich, there is a similar story of strengthening family connections at Carinity’s aged care community at Mount Morgan, west of Rockhampton.

The Reid brothers are two of the 'young ones' living at Carinity Summit Cottages.

Robert, 69, and Michael, 68, are originally from Emerald, located almost 300km from their current home. The brothers have rarely been closer to each other.

“Michael and Robert’s rooms are next to each other: room number one and room number two,” said Carinity Summit Cottages Activities Officer, Megan Cunningham.

“The brothers are happy that they can live together. Robert is often in Michael's room watching TV with him. They are always happier together.”

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Pictured: Eileen Tilley and her daughter Rhonda Tilley live across the hall from each other at the Carinity Colthup Manor aged care community in Ipswich.