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Joan Thomas Celebrates 100 Years of a Life Well-lived

on Friday, February 10, 2023

Joan Thomas celebrated her 100th birthday yesterday with a special morning tea and recognition by the local Red Cross for her service as a Red Cross nurse based in Hampshire UK then later Germany during the Second World War.

Joan, who is a resident at Uniting Lindsay Gardens near Newcastle, says the key to having lived a content and happy life is to be kind and have fun. "Don't say anything that will hurt other people and a tipple of something at the end of the day and keeping good company helps."

Born in England, Joan emigrated to Australia in 1956 as part of the 'Ten Pound Poms' scheme along with her husband Dr Ernest Thomas and her two children Julie and David. Elizabeth, her youngest daughter, was born two years later.

She worked as a nurse in her husband's medical practice in the small NSW timber milling town of Wauchope and then later in their Wallsend practice, retiring in her S0's and completing her HSC the same year as her son David.

Joan then went on to complete an Arts degree at Newcastle University and returned to nursing later in life at the Australian Wire Industries in Mayfield. However, her true love was and continues to be her children, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Tris Stow, Service Manager at Uniting Lindsay Gardens, says since moving to the Centre two years ago Joan has injected a sense of fun and energy into her fellow residents and staff with her infectious laugh, great story-telling skills and love of dancing.

"Joan is a caring and fun-loving person who loves to kick up her heels when the opportunity arises. She is always first to hit the dance floor and show her appreciation for a good tune. She brings happiness to our home and is an inspiration to us all here at Lindsay Gardens," said Trish.

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