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on Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Uniting Annesley welcomed Studio 10 to flip, stack and waffle with residents while enjoying a delicious feast of pancakes at this year’s Pancake Day celebration. Residents and staff at the Haberfield aged care home for people living with mental illness enjoyed a variety of pancakes as well as an Elvis sing along and live cross with Channel 10 Reporter Dan Doody.
Resident, Christine Tubbs said it was a terrific way to spend Shrove Tuesday and a great way to lift the spirits of the community.
“It takes me back to my childhood when my father used to make me pancakes. It was always before Lent. I like my pancakes with lemon and a bit of sugar,” Mrs Tubbs said.
“I think we have great community here at Annesley that represents people with different needs in different stages of mental illness.
“All of us need lots of love and lots of care, and we all need lots of things to do and things to share as a community and to be supported as well. The staff here do an amazing job in providing this for us.”
Uniting Annesley Leisure and Wellness Coordinator, Oli Krysteski, said the event was an amazing experience and that all the residents really enjoyed the day - especially the visit from Channel 10.
“They love their pancakes and haven’t been able to have a Pancake Day celebration for the past couple of years because of COVID,” she said.
“But we make the residents pancakes once a month because we like to do what they enjoy. The community connection here is amazing.
“It’s like their own sort of family and these events allow them to connect with their fellow residents – the staff are just another part of that connection for them.
“Christine is quite new, and she tells us that care here is amazing. All Uniting facilities provide a great level of care, but I think what we have here at Annesley is quite special in terms of the high quality of care that we provide.
“We actually try to engage the community to come and enjoy our pool and day spa. Our space is available for everybody and we like people coming, and the residents enjoy seeing other people using the facilities.
“I am very grateful that Uniting have given us the opportunity to use this fantastic space to provide our residents with dignity and of course fantastic care."
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