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TLC Healthcare Takes Innovative Approach to Tackle Aged Care Staff Shortages

on Wednesday, June 7, 2023

TLC Healthcare (TLC), in collaboration with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) and the Health Workers Union (HWU), has secured a landmark Victorian Workforce Migration Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU), that will support aged care sector workforce shortages.

The MOU supports two Labour Agreement Applications TLC has submitted to the Department of Home Affairs for internationally qualified nurses and personal support workers.

This is a Victorian first for all parties involved, and the result of a long-term collaborative relationship between TLC Healthcare, the ANMF and HWU that will ultimately support the best outcomes for existing aged care residents and staff.

TLC CEO & Managing Director, Lou Pascuzzi says “I commend the ANMF and HWU for being so incredibly progressive. This has been my experience of working with them over the past 25 years.

“Everyone complains about staff shortages resultant of the pandemic, but it’s this type of innovative collaboration with organisations like TLC, the ANMF and HWU, that will accelerate the healthcare industry towards a new, manageable normal.”

The MOU ensures:

  • The facilitation of international nurses and personal support workers to address local workforce shortages.
  • All staff are employed under the same existing EBA terms and conditions.
  • Staff are able to be trained and/or upskilled via TLC’s Registered Training Organisation (RTO), TLC Learning.
  • Through early induction by the ANMF and HWU, employees will have information relating to their benefits and workplace rights.
  • International employees hired have a commitment to aged care and providing care to the elderly.
  • There will be no detriment to local workforce conditions and opportunities.

Pascuzzi says “TLC has even packaged up accommodation support for our international workers, in significant areas of workforce shortage, including Geelong and Northern Victoria. And in the true vein of TLC innovation and collaboration, we’re offering the same accommodation package to local employees moving to these areas, to fully support this initiative and ensure both international and locally successful appointments.”

TLC nursing and personal care worker labour agreements have been lodged with the Department of Home Affairs, with a view to engage an initial 70 qualified international nurses and personal support workers by July 1, 2023, with greater numbers in the hundreds intended for future intakes.

Victorian Secretary of the ANMF, Lisa Fitzpatrick, welcomes the MOU, saying “It will help to address the current severe shortfalls and retention issues in the aged care sector.”

Click here to find out more about TLC