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ACAT Assessment Guide

on Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT/ACAS) plays a crucial role in helping elderly individuals receive the appropriate level of care and support. If you or a loved one is entering the aged care system, understanding the ACAT assessment process is essential. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the ACAT assessment, its purpose, and what to expect during the evaluation.

What is an ACAT?

ACAT stands for Aged Care Assessment Team (known as Aged Care Assessment Service or ACAS in Victoria). It is a team of health professionals, including doctors, nurses, and social workers, who assess the care needs of elderly individuals to determine the most suitable aged care services for them. ACAT assessments are a mandatory step for accessing government-subsidised aged care services in Australia.

The purpose of an ACAT Assessment

The primary goal of the ACAT assessment is to evaluate an individual's physical, medical, psychological, and social needs to determine the level of care and support required. The assessment considers factors such as mobility, daily living activities, medical conditions, and support networks to create a comprehensive picture of an individual's care requirements.

Key Components of ACAT Assessment


The process begins with a referral, which can come from various sources such as a doctor, family member, or the individual seeking care. Once the referral is made, the ACAT team contacts the person to schedule an assessment.

Assessment Interview:

During the assessment interview, the ACAT team discusses the individual's health, living situation, and any specific care needs. It is important for the person being assessed to provide honest and detailed information to ensure an accurate evaluation.

Physical Examination:

A physical examination is conducted to assess the person's overall health, mobility, and ability to perform daily activities. This may include checking blood pressure, mobility tests, and evaluating any existing medical conditions.

Care Plan Development:

Based on the assessment, the ACAT team develops a care plan outlining the recommended level of care and services. This may include residential aged care, home care packages, or other support services.

Approval and Subsidies:

If the individual is deemed eligible for government-subsidised aged care services, they will receive approval and access to financial assistance to help cover the costs of their care.

Understanding the ACAT assessment process is vital for navigating the aged care system successfully. It ensures that individuals receive the appropriate level of care and support tailored to their specific needs. If you or a loved one is considering aged care services, don't hesitate to reach out to your local ACAT team and begin the assessment process for a brighter and more supported future.

Search for your local ACAT/ACAS