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New Aged Care Quality Standards Tool Highlights Consumer Experience

on Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Aged care quality control and monitoring has taken an important step forward, with the national roll-out of a new device to improve evidence collection and streamline customer feedback. 

The Power of the Written Word on Show at Catholic Healthcare

on Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The phrase 'age is just a number' has never been a more relevant than when intergenerational interaction occurs at St. Raphael’s Primary School in South Hurstville.

A World of Wonders Virtually Here

on Monday, June 26, 2017

Imagine swimming idly through the ocean surrounded by a myriad of fish and sealife, or racing down a mountain on skis as snow swirls around you - all from the comfort of your home. Christadelphian Aged Care introduced virtual reality into its Gladesville Home this year to open up residents to new experiences or relive ones from their past.

Community Visitors Scheme a Hit With Aged Care Residents

on Friday, June 23, 2017

Manning Support Services' (MSS) Community Visitor Scheme is designed to support the elderly in residential aged care. Residents may not have any or only a few family members in the area who can visit them regularly, so MSS volunteers fill the gap by visiting their designated resident once a fortnight.

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