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Tips to better support people living with dementia released every day as part of Dementia Action Week

on Monday, September 21, 2020

This week, for Dementia Action Week – from 21 September-27 September - Dementia Australia is sharing daily tips showing simple, yet effective, ways to support people living with dementia.

HECS-Style Aged Care Loans Proposed By Former Prime Minister Paul Keating

on Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Former Prime Minister Paul Keating, speaking at the Aged Care Royal Commission yesterday, has recommended a HECS-style loan scheme to help older Australians pay for their care.

Risk Reduction Diet for Dementia: Advice from ACH Group’s Dietician

on Monday, August 31, 2020

In addition to keeping your body fit and healthy as you age, keeping your brain at its peak is just as important. One of the biggest concerns in people as they age is dementia and the impact this can have on their life and that of their loved ones.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Aged Care: Six Steps to Stop the Spread

on Wednesday, August 5, 2020

You can stop the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in aged care and keep yourself, residents and families safe by following ALL six steps.

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