Aged Care Online

My Care Path - Aged Care Support Services
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What to Bring on the First Day in Aged Care

Moving into a residential aged care home is a bit different to moving into a house.

Here are some basic items you will need to bring from home - which may make the move into aged care a little more comfortable:

  • Labelled clothing (for laundry). Please note that some aged care homes will label the clothes for you, but we recommend checking with them first.
  • All medications
  • Glasses, hearing aids and spare batteries
  • Clock (that can be seen easily)
  • CD player or radio
  • TV (if not already supplied) You'll need to make sure that the room has a TV outlet.
  • Toiletries bag and personal items
  • Small amount of cash in coin denominations (so the resident can buy small items such as a newspaper if they wish).
  • Framed photos of loved ones
  • Books
  • Comfortable furniture - your chosen aged care home may allow an item or two of personal furniture in the bedroom. Make sure to check with them first.

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Do you need help finding aged care services?

My Care Path can provide you with a complete end to end consultancy service to assist you in navigating the complexities of aged care. Our consultants are ready to help - call today for a friendly, no-obligation chat! 

Call 1300 197 230

Article posted:Oct 24, 2019
Category: Moving into aged care
