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Case Study: Finding Accommodation on Short Notice

The following case study is courtesy of My CarePath (formerly Millennium Aged Care Placement Consultants)

Bertha* is 91 years old and has been living in a Supported Residential Services (SRS) facility for five years.

One day she discovers that the SRS is closing and she will have to move. She has family nearby who can help her move to a new place, but the problem is they have only 28 days to find alternative accommodation.

The family start to look around for appropriate aged care in their area, but become increasingly frustrated and worried as they find every facility they contact has bond levels they cannot afford. Since Bertha moved into the SRS facility she has been paying weekly fees for 5 years and her assets have been depleted. This leaves her only nominal funds to pay a bond in a government subsidised aged care facility.

Worried and stressed, the family contact My CarePath who were able with their knowledge of the industry to present three facilities with available beds that were prepared to take the lower bond level and also met the other criteria Bertha required.

The family with Bertha visited the facilities that were suggested and within a matter of days were able to select a facility of their choice.

*Not real name

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My Care Path can provide you with a complete end to end consultancy service to assist you in navigating the complexities of aged care. Our consultants are ready to help - call today for a friendly, no-obligation chat! 

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Article posted:Sep 1, 2019
Category: Finding care
