Aged Care Online

Corumbene Nursing Home

13-21 Lower Road, New Norfolk, Tasmania, 7140

For over 50 years Corumbene has been dedicated to providing aged and community care services with compassion and dignity.

Our accommodation consists of single carpeted rooms with ensuites.

All rooms combine as a unique part of an architecturally award winning home, to provide a warm homely environment. Wireless internet services are provided across the entire home.

To achieve this, a variety of room configurations are offered, some of which include kitchenettes and are pet friendly. We offer respite and permanent care and a dedicated dementia specific environment.

We provide a variety of service and care options to suit individual requirements, including personalised care and a variety of daily activities and social interactions to keep our residents’ minds and bodies active.


Single ensuite room with courtyard views. These rooms are within close proximity to utility areas.

Key points

  • Fee for additional services
  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$55.13 $0 (No Deposit)
$27.57 $119,500 (50%)
$0 $239,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator


All rooms are spacious, carpeted, have contemporary finishes and colour schemes. Room configuration is designed so that residents have the option to personalise the main living area with private furniture if they wish. There is an option to have a pet within the ALUs at Corumbene, which is reviewed on a case by case basis. Rooms have easy access to the many landscaped gardens, activities including (men’s) shed, private lounges, family outdoor areas, kiosk and common sitting areas and dining rooms. All rooms have their own entrance and exit, kitchenette, wardrobes, bed side tables and outdoor area.

Key points

  • Fee for additional services
  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$57.67 $0 (No Deposit)
$28.84 $125,000 (50%)
$0 $250,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator


All rooms have contemporary finishes and colour schemes, are carpeted and provide picture rails for those special photographs.

Key points

  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$71.51 $0 (No Deposit)
$35.76 $155,000 (50%)
$0 $310,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator


All rooms have contemporary finishes and colour schemes, are carpeted and provide picture rails for those special photographs.

Key points

  • Fee for additional services
  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$75.9 $0 (No Deposit)
$37.95 $164,500 (50%)
$0 $329,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator


All rooms are spacious, carpeted, have contemporary finishes and colour schemes. Room configuration is designed so that residents have the option to personalise the main living area with private furniture if they wish. There is an option to have a pet within the ALUs at Corumbene, which is reviewed on a case by case basis. All rooms have their own entrance and exit, kitchenette, wardrobes, bed side tables and outdoor area.

Key points

  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$80.51 $0 (No Deposit)
$40.25 $174,500 (50%)
$0 $349,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator

What are Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RAD) and Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP)

Daily Accommodation Payment calculator

You can reduce the Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP) by paying a deposit up to the RAD value. Enter a deposit amount below to see the adjusted DAP amount.





$ per day

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