Aged Care Online

Para Hills Residential Care

50 Kesters Road, Para Hills, South Australia, 5096

Para Hills Residential Care offers a warm, welcoming environment for seniors in need of assisted living and comprehensive care services. Located in the tranquil suburb of Para Hills, our facility is designed to provide a comfortable, safe, and supportive home for our residents.

Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to delivering personalised care tailored to each individual’s needs, ensuring their physical, emotional, and social well-being.

At Para Hills Residential Care, we offer a range of services including 24-hour nursing care, delicious and nutritious meals, and engaging recreational activities to promote a vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle.

Our amenities include beautifully landscaped gardens, spacious common areas, and private rooms equipped with the latest safety features. We strive to create a community where residents can enjoy a sense of belonging, dignity, and enhanced quality of life.

Experience compassionate care at Para Hills Residential Care.

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