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Helping Hand: Free Aged Care Information Sessions

on Thursday, February 25, 2016

Are you or someone you know considering accessing aged care services? Find out about residential and community aged care services at Helping Hand’s free information sessions. Topics will include information on how to navigate the aged care system, financial planning and the range of community and residential services available.

Guest speakers include aged care specialists and an independent financial adviser, and there will be time for questions and answers.

There will also be an opportunity to meet the local Helping Hand team and take a tour of the residential home.

Wednesday 9th March 2016

When: From 4:30pm until 6:00pm
Where: Helping Hand Belalie Lodge | 1-7 Cumnock Street, Jamestown SA

Thursday 10th March 2016

When: From 4:30pm until 6:00pm
Where: Helping Hand Lealholme | 15 Halliday Street, Port Pirie SA

These free information sessions are designed to give quality information to people who are considering accessing aged care services. The sessions will feature various guest speakers speaking about different topics such as:

  • navigating the aged care system
  • financial planning
  • what aged care services are available

Refreshments will be provided, and a tour of the residential aged care home is also available to attendees.

Bookings are essential - call 1300 653 600 or email

Click here to find out more about Helping Hand's aged care services.