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Dance Wellbeing Program Kicks off at Resthaven Paradise

on Friday, June 2, 2017

Residents at Resthaven Paradise are benefiting from a new ‘social dance’ project being run at the home. 

Manager, Belle Kerr, says, "This three month project aims to measure the benefits of social dance on a person’s physical and emotional wellbeing."

"We will hold ten dance sessions here, and we have nicknamed it the Paradise Palais."

"Before starting the program, residents answered questions relating to their quality of life. At the end, they will be asked the same questions again, and we’ll see if there’s any change. All residents are assessed by a qualified physiotherapist before taking part in this program."

Staff at Resthaven Paradise hope that taking part in the Paradise Palais will help to improve residents' general happiness and wellbeing. 

"If our first session is anything to go by, it’s already working – everyone who attended had a great time. Some of the staff learned some new moves, too!" said Belle Kerr. "We look forward to seeing the results later this year."

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