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10 Signs That Your Loved One May Need Help This Holiday Season

on Thursday, December 10, 2020

Family members who don’t live nearby often come home to find that things just aren’t the same as they used to be with their relatives. Families can use the list below to check for the warning signs that loved ones are struggling and might not be able to make it on their own anymore. 

  • Poor eating habits resulting in weight loss, no appetite, or missed meals
  • Neglected hygiene – wearing dirty clothes, body odour, neglected nails and teeth
  • Neglected home – not as clean or sanitary as you remember growing up
  • Inappropriate behaviour – acting loud, quiet, paranoid, or making phone calls at all hours
  • Changed relationship patterns that friends or neighbours have noticed
  • Burns or injuries resulting from weakness, forgetfulness, or misuse of alcohol or medications
  • Decreased participation in activities such as attending senior centres, book club, or church
  • Scorched pots and pans showing forgetfulness of dinner cooking on the stove
  • Unopened mail, newspaper piles, missed appointments
  • Mishandled finances such as losing money, paying bills twice, or hiding money

With services operating in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria, Senior Helpers can help your loved ones remain living at home independently and give families peace of mind.