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Berry Aged Care Residents Welcome Uniting to Town

on Wednesday, April 6, 2022

With the transition now complete, residents and staff are praising the seamless changeover of the recently acquired Uniting NSW.ACT residential aged care home in Berry especially during the challenges of COVID -19. Uniting Berry was one of four homes across southern New South Wales purchased from Bupa six months ago, to fulfil Uniting’s growing commitment to support these communities and its people in the region.

“I can’t thank our staff enough for the way they handled the change to Uniting and maintained the high standards of care they have provided to residents during a time of exceptional and testing circumstances,” said Saviour Buhagiar, Uniting’s Director of Ageing.

“Extending our reach to this residential aged care home in Berry allows us to further build bonds with the community, and provide our service offerings to areas where there was no Uniting presence initially,” said Mr Buhagiar.

“We have developed a 10-year strategy to support our regional communities and strengthen the quality and sustainability of aged care services provided and we do that by evolving with the times and enhancing service models,” said Mr Buhagiar.

Residents and staff have embraced Uniting’s model of care, which supports them to live their day, their way.

“There is so much to do here and we are well looked after. The lovely staff go above and beyond to ensure our comfort. This truly feels like home to me,” said resident Pam Harvey.

“We have seen a lot of investment in the home since Uniting took over. especially outdoors; there are beautiful grounds and gardens. I have a favourite spot on one of the balconies with views of the paddocks where I like to have a cuppa and read,” said resident Yvonne Bollard.

“It’s been a positive change for all of us here and all our residents enjoy being supported and cared for with compassion, dignity and respect,” said Katherine Scarcella, Uniting Berry Service Manager.

“The care model offered by Uniting enables staff to make a deep and lasting connection with residents. The support we have received in the months since the transition, has provided a great deal of comfort. It’s the perfect mix of community and privacy for the residents,” said Ms Scarcella.

Uniting assumed full responsibility for the support of older people in the services of Berry, Eden, Griffith and Tumut and for the staff who serve them, on October 1, 2021.

Click here to find out more about Uniting