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Create Your Perfect Send-Off: An Empowering End-of-Life Plan

on Tuesday, August 6, 2024

When we think about getting our affairs in order, we often limit ourselves to wills and financial decisions. However, there are many other 'end of life' matters that might be important to you. Creating an ‘end of life plan’ allows you to make those decisions in advance.

We’ve developed a comprehensive ‘end of life plan’ that you can find below, or download here and print if you prefer to complete it with pen and paper.

Taking the time to carefully consider your ‘end-of-life’ wishes, or a living will, is empowering. It provides your loved ones with much-needed guidance during difficult times. As one wise person said, ‘none of us are getting out of here alive.’

Think about questions like: Who will make important decisions on your behalf if you can’t? Where would you prefer to die? Would you like music playing when you do? Who will care for your pets?

Just as new parents create detailed birth plans, planning for the end of life is a practical and thoughtful step. Here’s what our end-of-life plan includes:

This Plan Covers:

  • End of Life Wishes: Ensuring a good death

  • Celebrating Your Life: Personalising your farewell

Additional Considerations:

  • Finances and Wills: Further information available

  • Advanced Care Plan: Including a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order

  • Writing Your Own Life Story: A great eulogy template can be found here

To help you create your end-of-life plan, we’ve prepared a downloadable sheet you can fill out. Discuss it with family and friends and keep it with your important documents, like your will.

Find out about Tomorrow Funerals


My End of Life & After Death Wishes

The following are my end-of-life wishes.

Advanced Care Plan (Living Will)

Planning for your current and future health care involves discussing your values, beliefs, and preferences with loved ones and doctors. This can be formalised into an ‘advance care directive’ or living will.

  • I have discussed an advanced health plan with family, friends, and medical practitioners: YES / NO

  • I have formalised this into an advanced care directive: YES / NO (location of document)

  • If I cannot communicate or make decisions, I would like the following person(s) to decide for me:

  • I want to be informed about all medical matters relating to my death: YES / NO

  • If doctors estimate how long I will live, I want to know: YES / NO

  • Additional comments:

Resuscitation & DNR Orders

A DNR order is a medical directive to withhold CPR. It must be arranged with a doctor.

  • I have completed a legally binding DNR order: YES / NO

  • I am open to resuscitation in all circumstances: YES / NO

  • Circumstances under which I do not wish to be resuscitated:

My Will

A will outlines your wishes for distributing your property and caring for minor children.

  • I have prepared my will and it can be located here:

  • While unwell and after death, I want my pets cared for by:

Dying at Home or Hospital

Dying at home is appealing, but sometimes easier in a hospital or hospice. However, your wishes come first, and planning is crucial if you prefer to die at home.

  • I would like to die at home: YES / NO

  • I prefer to die in a hospital: YES / NO

Death Doulas

A death doula can help with practical matters, especially if you want to die at home. They provide care, support, and advocacy.

  • I’m interested in employing a death doula: YES / NO

  • Additional comments:

Atmosphere While Dying

  • I prefer music while dying: YES / NO

  • Type of music:

  • I prefer silence: YES / NO

  • Desired atmosphere (candles, flowers, massage, visitors):

Organ and Body Donation

Both must be arranged while alive.

  • I have arranged to donate my organs: YES / NO

  • I have arranged to donate my body to science: YES / NO

Cremation or Burial

  • I wish to be cremated: YES / NO

  • I wish to be buried: YES / NO

  • I would like to be buried or cremated in: (clothes/shroud details)

  • Preferred coffin type:

  • I’d like loved ones to write messages on a cardboard coffin: YES / NO

  • I’d like my body to remain at home for goodbyes: YES / NO

  • I’d like to be buried or cremated with: (items)

  • I’d like my body washed by loved ones: YES / NO

  • After cremation, I’d like my ashes scattered at: (location)

  • I’d like to be buried at:

Celebrating Your Life – Your Way

Choose between a traditional funeral or a modern celebration of life.

  • I want a traditional funeral: YES / NO

  • I want a memorial-style funeral: YES / NO

  • I have pre-paid for my funeral with:

  • I prefer the following funeral home:

  • I prefer the following celebrant or religious leader:

  • My life celebration location:

  • Preferred funeral style: (low key/celebration/traditional/etc.)

  • Wake preferences:

  • I’d like to offset my funeral’s environmental impact: YES / NO

  • Preferred speakers:

  • I’ve left a video message/letter for the funeral: YES / NO

  • I’ve left a private message/letter for individuals: YES / NO

  • Music for my funeral:

  • Poems, readings, quotes, prayers for my funeral:

  • Dress code for guests:

  • Live music or art: YES / NO

  • Flowers at my funeral: YES / NO

  • Donations in my honour to:

  • Wake preferences:

  • Items for guests from my collection:

  • Photographer for my life celebration: YES / NO

Life Story

Preparing a life story or eulogy is a personal touch. We have a template available here.

  • I’ve prepared my life story: YES / NO

  • Preferred person to deliver my eulogy:

  • Life lessons or reflections to share:

  • Defining life moments:

  • Important music, art, hobbies, sports, ideas:

  • Beliefs on life:

Other Things to Share

  • Things I love: (books, sports, hobbies, art, films, places, nature, science, politics, animals, pets)

  • Why these are meaningful:

  • What annoys me:

  • Special people in my life:

  • My greatest lesson:

Good luck and have fun with it!

We’re always here to help.

Find out about Tomorrow Funerals