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Moving into a Nursing Home: Dealing With Guilt

By on Friday, November 15, 2013

When it is time for an elderly person to enter a nursing home, many relatives experience guilt, grief and a sense of loss. Caring for someone can be exhausting, especially when that person has challenging behaviours such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.  If the disease gets worse over time, it is likely that they will have to be moved into residential aged care. Often the person who has been caring for that person (often a close family member) can feel guilt and grief over making this decision.


Understanding Aged Care Finances: Do you need Aged Care Financial Advice?

By on Friday, November 15, 2013

Placing someone in aged care is a landmine of financial decisions, strange acronyms and unfamiliar information which can be confusing (especially when decisions need to be made quickly).Whether you need a financial planner or not depends on individual circumstances, but you may be thinking of using a financial planner when moving into residential aged care if you need guidance on issues such as daily care fees for residential aged care, whether you should sell the family home or rent it out and many other financial factors.


Aged Care Technology: An In-House TV Channel for Facilities

By on Friday, November 15, 2013

Web2TV is a new technology that is helping residential aged care facilities keep up with the pressure of accreditation requirements. Web2TV is a branded and customised channel that uses slides to keep residents informed about what’s going on so they remain connected to their community. More than 50 residential facilities are currently using Web2TV to keep residents informed by using slides to post


Aged Care Research: Are You a Carer and Don’t Know It?

By on Friday, November 15, 2013

A new study is being conducted by the University of Queensland to investigate the role of informal caring and the impact on the carer’s work and family life. Claire Greaves, an Organisational Psychology PhD Candidate is currently investigating how informal carers, who are also engaged in the workforce, manage these dual roles. Ms Greaves spoke to Aged Care Online about her research and how many carers do not realise that they are care-givers and often unpaid.


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