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My Care Path Aged Care Consultants

Seniors Start Knitting Headbands for the Hash House Harriettes

on Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Talented seniors at a not-for-profit Mercy Health aged care home are racing to finish more than 30 knitted headbands for Perth’s Hash Houses Harriettes, who are on a mission to raise money for a range of local charities.

Bunnings Staff Help Residents to Smell the Roses

on Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The team at Bunnings Warehouse in Belmont have helped to bring the outdoors in for residents and staff at a local not-for-profit aged care home.

One Door Closes and Another Door Opens

on Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Bethanie, Western Australia’s most recognised not-for-profit aged care and retirement living provider is always seeking out opportunities for social contributions, driving activities which are not part of Bethanie’s core business, but contribute greatly to the wellbeing of the community.

Special Birthday Celebrations to Mark 26 Years of Volunteering at MercyVille

on Friday, June 19, 2020

Elise Hayward will celebrate her 43rd birthday on Friday 19 June, and in the process, celebrate 26 years of volunteering at a local not-for-profit nursing home in Craigie. The dedicated local started volunteering at MercyVille aged care home when she was just 17 years of age, so has been a regular volunteer for over half of her life.

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