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Uniting’s aged care services are designed to support you at every stage. With 74 aged care...
Signature Care is a family owned and run aged care provider with a holistic focus on...
In a mission to bridge the isolation gap felt by the elderly, over 120 South Australians are sharing their time, and their pets, with residents of aged care homes.
Caring Canine Companions is an auspice of The Community Visitors Scheme, a federal government initiative set up in 1991 to promote greater connection between residents of aged care homes and the wider community.
A Western Australian nurse service dedicated to the carers of people living with dementia has doubled its reach to include Perth’s south suburbs.
The official launch of McCusker Nurse South will take place tonight in the presence of its patron, His Excellency Mr Malcolm McCusker.
As part of their year ten religious education studies, students of Bundoora’s Parade College are getting to know the residents of a local aged care facility, capturing their stories on camera so they will be remembered for years to come.
The students will use a range of multimedia tools, including their new iPads, to complete the project. To the residents’ discretion, the finished product can be used to forge a digital footprint of their lives in the blogosphere.
Adults as young as 30 are being diagnosed with early-onset dementia, research from Alzheimer’s Australia shows.
The condition commonly associated with ageing currently effects around 24,700 Australians under the age of 65.
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