Aged Care Online

Emmerton Park

2-12 Senior Drive, Smithton, Tasmania, 7330

We are a community-based, not-for-profit organisation who provide a range of quality aged care services and facilities. Emmerton Park is located in Smithton, in the scenic and rural Municipality of Circular Head in far north-west Tasmania.

We provide 66 independent living units in a village setting and our state-of-the-art 61 bed residential care facility opened in March 2008, where our passionate staff provide quality high and low care with a focus on skilled care for residents with special needs.

The region is known for having the "cleanest air in the World" and located on the edge of the Tarkine wilderness.

When entering residential care the government requires anyone wishing to access a low or high care facility to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). Your application cannot be considered without an ACAT approval. Aged Care Assessment Team phone number is 03 64298400.


Emmerton Park comprises all single rooms with private en-suite and all rooms and en-suites are of equal size. All rooms are furnished similarly and all have a view of gardens and local landscape. Rooms are in excellent condition and well maintained by our professional and friendly maintenance staff.
All floor-coverings and window furnishings have been in place for 6 years or less and are in excellent condition.
Each room includes the following features:
Voyager ceiling lift
Temperature Control with individual settings
Wi-Fi IT/Phone connection
Neutral and sensor lights
Double wardrobe with drawers and hanging space plus a lockable safe
Electric Hi/Lo beds, overbed table, bedside cabinet, picture rail.
Quality floor coverings with vertical drapes with block-out fabric
Each room has 12 power points available.

Key points

  • Fee for additional services
  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$70.13 $0 (No Deposit)
$35.06 $152,000 (50%)
$0 $304,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator

What are Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RAD) and Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP)

Daily Accommodation Payment calculator

You can reduce the Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP) by paying a deposit up to the RAD value. Enter a deposit amount below to see the adjusted DAP amount.





$ per day

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