Aged Care Online

Murroona Gardens

West's Lane, Bowen, Queensland, 4805

Winner of Ergon Energy’s Friendliest Town Award in 2004, Bowen is the gem of the coral coast and the envy of southern visitors who flock to its warmer climates every winter. The famous coastline is considered the home of some of Queensland’s finest beaches.

As well as a range of care options, including low, high and respite, Murroona Gardens hosts a range of extra services and diversional/day therapy activities. Independent living units are also available with the relevant support if needed.

At Murroona Gardens, residents are recognized as individuals with different needs and preferences. As such, each resident receives personalised care delivered with the same dignity they would demand at home.

The catering department is a great pride of the facility, with quarterly rotations of the menu, ensuring meals reflect the season and contain quality produce. Dietary requirements and nutritional values are prioritised.

A modern, air-conditioned, 17-seater bus is used regularly for weekly shopping trips and accompanied outings.

Murroona Gardens encourages residents’ independence, personal interests and lifestyle choices. Staff are committed to maintaining the excellent record of service of the organisation, with multiple accreditation awards under the belt.

Vacancy - Shared

SHARED ROOM - 2 BED. New Room Type( Nursing Home RACS 5203) Copy Room with shared ensuite. There are a total of 34 available rooms in our Wattle and Banksia wings. Each room has two fully adjustable electric beds, curtains, two bedside cupboards, two freestanding robes and privacy curtains. Each room has a split system air conditioning unit and ceiling fans installed. New curtains and quality matching bedspreads were fitted to 20 rooms in April 2014.

Key points

  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$51.9 $0 (No Deposit)
$25.95 $112,500 (50%)
$0 $225,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator

Vacancy - Single

SINGLE ROOM New Room Type ( Hostel Racs ID 5192) Room with private ensuite. There are 28 available rooms all in good condition boasting a spacious private ensuite. Each room is air conditioned and has a ceiling fan installed. There is also a large capacity built-in wardrobe available in each room. Each room has a covered back patio suitable for a small outdoor table setting. Television and landline telephone capacity are available to each resident's room. Room size is 20m2.

Key points

  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$63.44 $0 (No Deposit)
$31.72 $137,500 (50%)
$0 $275,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator

Vacancy - Single

SINGLE ROOM New Room Type (Nursing Home RACS 5203) Room with private ensuite. Built in 2012, the building features 21 modern, stylish and spacious rooms which are named Jacaranda and Hibiscus wings. Each room is in excellent condition and boasts a large private ensuite with quality fittings, a fully adjustable electric bed, curtains, bedside cupboard and large built-in lockable robe. Each room contains a split system air conditioner and ceiling fan to provide comfort to our residents during our summer months. We also have the capacity for a landline telephone and television in each room should our residents wish to utilise this option.

Key points

  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$74.97 $0 (No Deposit)
$37.49 $162,500 (50%)
$0 $325,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator

What are Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RAD) and Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP)

Daily Accommodation Payment calculator

You can reduce the Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP) by paying a deposit up to the RAD value. Enter a deposit amount below to see the adjusted DAP amount.





$ per day

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